About the Artist.
Kashana Ricketts is a visual artist from Winslow, New Jersey and the founder of Broken Edges. Her passion for art started at an early age after learning from her cousin. She started as a cartoonist, drawing her favorite Looney Tunes characters and over time, she evolved into a well-versed painter. You could catch her up late at night drawing, just enjoying the art of creating. However, in 2014, She stopped art for some time to pursue teaching because 1. she found enjoyment working with children and 2. there was financial stability working as a teacher. Truthfully, she allowed fear to cripple her: the fear of not succeeding as an artist and the belief that she was not good enough. Fortunately, in 2020, God drew her closer to Him and redirected her back to art. He called her to create again and used art as a tool to help her heal and grow into a more authentic version of herself: one that is less insecure and more trusting/secure in Him and His plans for her life.
Since her reintroduction back to art, Kashana has showcased her work at several events and exhibitions in various states including New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. She has created personal works for various clients and currently teaches art classes part-time to elementary and middle school students in Philadelphia, PA.
Kashana works with various media such oil paint, watercolor and digital art to create representational and abstract works. Her journey back to art has not just been an artistic one but a spiritual one. With art as a healing tool, she has discovered a more authentic version of herself and now that she is on that journey, she is motivated to create art that inspires authenticity and points people to the ultimate Creator. She found her identity in Christ, and with her art, she desires others to find their true identity in Him too!